browser DSP

from https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API_JS_Library
to the github page linked there from, clicked 'download source' to get corbanbrook-dsp.js-0acac23.zip with the DSP.js file and a bunch of examples and stuff inside.

some of them are looking to play pack an audio file, so I have created an audio folder in my copy of the directory and added an ogg.

I only have one hour to play (although I might make more time later!) .  there for I will only aim to get all of the examples working by changing the audio file source to a valid path . . . the pure synthesis patches are running right away . . .

. . . so far, the audio tags are loading and playing the ogg sound file, but the processing is not happening.  This might take longer than I thought.

Instead I will take a look at how the different .js files are working together in some of these examples:
  • • dsp.js
    • /*
      • *  DSP.js - a comprehensive digital signal processing  library for javascript
  • • processing.js
  • • init.js
    • /*
      • * This code searches for all the <script type="application/processing" target="canvasid">
      • * in your page and loads each script in the target canvas with the proper id.
      • * It is useful to smooth the process of adding Processing code in your page and starting
      • * the Processing.js engine.
      • */
The image below represents my understanding of the situation.  Can anyone point me towards a more complete model?

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