20: low level noise

I'm working on filtering noise samples, but I only started a short time ago, I'll be up past midnight doing it...



http://sdfphd.net/creativepact2010/day20c.html ← karplus strong type thing!

I did implement some user controls, but they didn't have very much affect on the sound, so I took a step back to version 'c' and now I'm going to go to sleep...

Here's an extract from code (view source on the page to see it all):

// main functions:
 function clicknow()
  for(var i=0; i< samplesize; i++)
   envelope[i] = 1 - ( i / samplesize );
   clicknoise[i] = envelope[i]*( (2*Math.random()) - 1 );
 }//end function clicknow()
      output.mozWriteAudio( clicknoise );
      // apply feedback gain reduction
      for(var i=0; i< samplesize; i++)
      { clicknoise[i] *= filterFdbk; }
      // simple low pass filter...  
      for(var i=1; i< samplesize; i++) // start at 1 bcus we call i-1
      { clicknoise[i] += filterCoef*clicknoise[i-1]; }
     } //end if(active)
    }, periodMs);//end setInterval

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